PhD Funding from Perry Foundation - Welcome

What does the Perry Foundation do?

Perry Foundation is a registered UK Charity with the objectives of promoting education and research  connected with agriculture or food production for the benefit of the public

How do we do it?

Perry Foundation allocates most of its income to funding postgraduate PhD studentships intended to be of benefit to UK agriculture, but also grants smaller awards for other relevant projects 


You can now find and follow us on Twitter @PerryFound1937

The last  Agrifood Charities Partnership (AFCP) Student Forum was successfully held at NIAB on 13th March 2024 

Keith Brown resigned as a Trustee Director on 15th May after many years of service particularly related to managing the Foundation's investments

The latest Perry Trustees Board meeting was held on 4th December 2024 and the next will be held on 14th May 2025


More information

Applications for PhD studentships commencing September 2025 have closed and those for September 2026 will close on 31st October 2025

Click here for more details of PhD study awards